We partner with churches to send tentmakers to East, Central & West Asia.

Use your profession to serve across Asia and the Middle East

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Join the movement: Work as Globalocal Mission


Feel called to Missions but love your work?

There are many opportunities to serve overseas using your profession.

Professional tentmaker missionaries at GLS work in business, tech, healthcare and more.


We mobilize professionals in Business, Tech, Healthcare and more. In the workplace we can influence the movers and shakers of society. With their creativity and resources, they can have huge impact for the kingdom. We need to “be” in their space to bring them to Christ.

Educator Tentmakers in developing countries help lift people out of poverty.


In developing economies, education can lift people out of poverty and improve their livelihoods. Many leaders in urban church movements come to faith during their student days. Ours is a battle for people’s minds to give them a gospel-centered vision for their countries.


NGO Workers

We need consultants, operators and fundraisers for local NGOs, as well as church planters.  In this grass-roots work we inspire and empower indigenous peoples and churches to help the poor and spiritually oppressed.

Our Mission


GLS partners with churches in North America to serve alongside the Church in Asia and the Middle East to manifest God’s grace & truth by sending missional professionals to impact the workplace, build faith communities, and collaborate with national leaders to develop mission movements among the unreached.


Our Impact

GLS has partnered with scores of North American churches in short-term mission programs and long-term sending of workers.



Sent & pastored in asia

To date, GLS has successfully sent and pastored over 280 tentmakers. By God's grace, no one has come back from the field a casualty in 20+ years.


Years Serving urban churches

Over half of the world population today is city dwellers. Economic migration is a global phenomenon. Urban movements shape culture and lead innovation in every society. Our mission is city-based, connecting people across cultures for transformation.


industries gls associates work in

Technology, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Retail, Consumer Products, Education, Legal, Finance, Medical, Consulting Services and more.