We believe in church-based missional discipleship and sending. When missions candidates apply to join GLS, we guide them in partnership with their sending church.
Candidates should be disciple-makers, who have learned to multiply themselves at home before they go overseas.
We encourage candidates to raise up others to take their place before they are sent out.
Beyond prayer and financial giving, it will be exciting for your church to send home-grown workers to the field. You would want to:
Help your missions candidates sort out their calling and prepare for service so they will be fruitful on the field.
Support and partner with them over the long haul as they live and serve overseas.
Partnering With Churches To Support Candidates
We work with pastors and church missions committees in sending and supporting candidates.
GLS will help them review:
Clarity of calling
Personal, spiritual & family readiness
Ministry experience & church relationships
Professional experience
Language & culture preparations
Before going overseas, candidates are encouraged to:
Grow their ministry skills within the local faith community
Seek local cross-cultural ministry opportunities
Build a prayer team for support
Update their pastors/mentors regularly
When a job is secured, financial need is assessed. Where needed, fund-raising in consultation with the church begins.
When the departure date is set, orientation and church commissioning will be scheduled.
GLS updates pastors and church missions committees after field visits by our pastoral staff.
Mentors and close friends are encouraged to stay in touch with the tentmakers, especially in the first few months on the field to lend support for their adjustments.
Our Partnership Agreement details practical ways GLS and the sending church collaborate in the support of the workers.
Opportunities for workers to share during home visits will strengthen their support base and promote missions in the church.