Lisa Pratt Slayton

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Founding Partner and CEO Tamim Partners, LLC

Lisa Pratt Slayton is the founding partner and chief executive officer of Tamim Partners LLC. Tamim Partners was founded for the purpose of coming alongside leaders and their teams to grow in wholeness and cohesion as they seek to serve their organizations for the common good and flourishing of their city and the world. 

In addition, Lisa has recently launched CityGate, an initiative of the Denver Institute of Faith and Work. City Gate  is an intentional community of leaders, thinkers and makers committed to personal formation and cultural renewal in their cities through holistic expressions of the gospel, and who share a vision of communion and shalom for workplaces, cities, and the culture.

Prior to founding Tamim Partners in April of 2019, Lisa was on staff of the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation (PLF), where she served for 14 years, the last 6 as CEO.  At PLF, Lisa designed and launched the Leaders Collaborative and delivered organizational development consulting, training, and executive coaching services to a wide variety of organizations including fast growth startups, enterprise level corporations, as well as nonprofits and churches. 

Lisa currently serves as a Board Director for Made to Flourish and Leadership Foundations. She is passionate about great books, excellent wine and beautiful shoes. A small community on the coast of Maine is her place of renewal and restoration. 

Lisa attended Mount Holyoke College and Bakke Graduate University (M.A., Social and Civic Entrepreneurship). Residing in the Pittsburgh metro area, she has been married to Roger for more than 40 years, has one adult child and two beloved Labradors, Thea and Grace.

Laurie Fralick