teams apply their training and creativity to a real-life business challenge in an unreached nation.
Separate undergrad & graduate tracks
compete for $52,000 in CASH PRIZES!
finalists present to judges @ Believers in business conference February 22-23, 2019 | New York city
registration deadline:
11:59pm, pst, December 15th
Registration is now closed.
Please join us next year!
PRIZEs - for both tracks
Individual Cash Awards Include Travel Grant to Attend Finalist Presentation in NYC
First Place Team wins up to $12,000 --
$3,000 cash award for each team member (up to 4)
Registration to attend Believers in Business Conference 2019
Second Place Team wins up to $8,000 --
$2,000 cash award for each team member (up to 4)
Registration to attend Believers in Business Conference 2019
Third Place team wins up to $6,000 --
$1,500 cash award for each team member (up to 4)
Registration to attend Believers in Business Conference 2019
Teams submit their solutions online in the preliminary round. Names of participants and their schools will not be revealed to judges. All solutions will be evaluated anonymously. Three finalist teams from both the undergraduate and graduate tracks are invited to present at the final round. Undergraduate and graduate teams will be judged separately. All who attend the final round in person will receive a cash prize.
Undergraduate, graduate students and recent grads are welcome to register. All team members must be under age 35 at the time of registration. At least one team member must be an enrolled full-time student in Spring 2019. Each team must be comprised of 2-4 members. Individuals from different schools may form a team. All members of an undergraduate team should be full-time students. Any team with a graduate student or recent grad (even if there is an undergraduate team member) will compete in the graduate track. Since this is a faith-based competition, we ask that participants be followers of Jesus Christ.
Faculty participation
Professors may encourage their students to participate in this competition and serve as their advisors. They may also use the case as a class project or other academic enrichment. To review the case, please email us for a one-page Faculty Agreement. When it is returned, you will be granted access to the case files. As it is vital to protect the company’s identity for the safety of its owners and staff, case files will only be viewed online, and not downloadable.
If you decide to adopt the case as a class project, please take every precaution to only share case info inside the classroom. Your students will need to register as regular competition participants (in groups of 2-4) and sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to access the case files. We hope many of them will join the competition. They may withdraw any time before December 15th, and their solutions will not be evaluated by our judges. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
A client for the business case is chosen from among established kingdom companies operating in unreached nations, with sound business fundamentals, good local relationships, and a calling to mentor the next generation of missional business professionals.
Registration Deadline: 11:59pm PST, December 15, 2018.
Case Release: Your team will receive the case when ALL members are registered.
Deadline for First Round Submission: 9am PST, January 5, 2019
Notifications of Finalists: January 25, 2019
Finalist Presentation @ Believers in Business Conference: February 22-23, 2019.