Since I was young, my parents emphasized academic achievement: study hard, get into a good university, and, ideally, learn piano or violin; the best students could even speak Chinese. I still remember the environment and the pressure. I thought if I could achieve that goal, I would have a bright future, be all set and worry-free. So, I worked hard toward that goal. I was not a believer then. 

To my surprise, I got into my dream school. At first, I was incredibly happy. I also became a believer in college. I had a long way to go figuring out my life direction and knowing what it means to give God the reins to it.

I found that arriving at my dream school hardly meant that I was set for life. I started worrying about my grades, what job I would do during the summer, what major I should choose, and what I would do after graduation.

Never A Lawyer

I seriously explored becoming a pharmacist, or a doctor, or a teacher. But none of these careers seemed to be the right fit. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. But one thing I knew, "I never wanted to be a lawyer." I loved science and hated English and writing. Why would I ever want to study law?

I felt I was going around in circles, feeling lost for five years. Then I met a patent attorney at a company. He introduced me to the field of intellectual property. I got interested and ended up in patent law!

By then, my life was very stable. I was happily married and had a job I loved. My husband and I served on the worship team and led a Bible study together at our church.

Ten years in, my company had a re-org and I was laid off. Suddenly, I realized that my identity and life direction had been defined by my job. God knew what I needed. In my eight months of unemployment, He shattered the idols in my life—career, job, and reputation. I struggled but came through with the precious discovery of my true identity as a child of God.

Once that happened, God gave me a "dream job". Not only did I enjoy my professional work and grow as a manager, even my love for food, music, and sports found an outlet among my colleagues. It was so much fun! I never wanted to leave this job.  

Never Leave America

But a year later, my husband was presented with a unique career opportunity in Asia. We had never considered moving to Asia. Our lives were so stable, why would we want to leave? But we decided that we should at least pray and seek God’s guidance. God’s confirmations were nothing short of miraculous. We could not ignore the obvious. The next thing I knew, we were leaving America.

Never Work For A Law Firm

After becoming a lawyer, I told myself I would never want to work at a law firm. Working at a law firm is exhausting and hours are long. Most lawyers start at a law firm but move on to become an in-house lawyer for a company. I was spared that painful process because I transitioned directly from the R & D department of the pharmaceutical company I was working for to its legal department.

When I moved to Asia, I expected my career in law to terminate. I only knew American law. I didn’t have enough of the local language to function professionally. I thought I would be jobless again. So, I started inquiring about teaching opportunities. Through a university professor of intellectual property law, I was introduced to the founder of a patent practice that specialized in patent law for both the U.S. and Asia.

Not only that, the owner was a Christian who had a vision for her company to be a lighthouse for God. She was planning to retire and praying: "God, I really need to find a partner with the same faith. But how could I possibly find a Christian American patent lawyer in Asia? It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack!"

God answered her prayers and found me a job I never imagined I could have. I am now working for a patent firm in Asia!

Never Expected Such Alignment

At this company, we have Bible studies with our colleagues and make a conscious effort to run the company based on Christian principles and ethics.

When the company rebranded, our logo featured a bridge. We see ourselves as a bridge that connects two very different countries and cultures, bringing the two sides closer by enabling our clients to better understand the legal system and thinking of the other side in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.

The same thing is happening in our church. Our city has become very divided over its politics. But we are serving in a fellowship of locals and expatriates from different political persuasions. Despite our many differences, we share one goal: to love God and love one another in harmony and unity.

God has brought my husband and I to this part of the world at a very special time when everything is shifting and chaotic. But He is highlighting to me the call to unity: in my company, my fellowship, my city, and the world. I am also growing in my understanding of the complexity of the situation here and the perspectives people have.

Never Say Never

It has been six years now. I’m starting to appreciate God’s plan even though I had told myself many times that I would never consider certain things.

God has been gentle but firm in moving me away from my foregone conclusions on what was possible, what would be good for me and meaningful as a direction of life. But first, I needed to know my true identity as a child of God. Then everything else would follow according to His higher purpose and better plan.

God promoted our careers in unexpected ways so that both of us have the opportunity to witness for Him in the marketplace from a position of responsibility and influence that kept expanding beyond our imagination.

One never knows what God has in mind. When I learn to throw away my “never” refrain and say “yes” to Him, God keeps surprising me with good things. I just need to trust Him and be willing to follow Him. There is great joy walking in His will. I’ve learned to never say “never.”


Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.



·      How do you resonate with Joni’s journey of faith?

·      What encourages you?

·      Do you believe God can use your education and career to witness for Him too?

·      Contact us at and have a conversation with one of our mentors.