A core mission of GLS is to come alongside churches and organizations in unreached nations to serve their own people.  This summer, we are excited to partner with three leading organizations that work with students and young professionals in an often forgotten part of the Muslim world.  

Our Two Fish

During the pandemic, we began to support one of the organizations to operate an education center with funding and use of an office donated to us a few years ago. Learning foreign languages is important for pursuing education and employment opportunities in our global economy.  This is especially true for young people in emerging economies where they are eager to learn about the west. 

Earlier this year, we connected with two larger similar organizations in this country.  When their leaders visited our office in city center, they immediately saw the potential of using the facility for business seminars and events to attract young professionals, which they could not do at their own student centers located in residential neighborhoods. 

Their Five Loaves

These seasoned workers understand that the litmus test of effective student discipleship is what happens to them after they leave the campus.  But ministry among graduates is an underdeveloped area of their work.  Their networks lack resources to support the career development of their young grads.  Young adults are missing from most churches across the country. 

These organizations all began in the 90s.  But last year was the first time that they held joint staff prayer meetings.  It happens that the national directors were students from the same hometown and knew each other in college.  When they met at our office, it did not take long for them to decide to pool their resources and use our facility for joint outreach to young professionals. 

It is our privilege to support their collaboration.  And we are excited by the prospect of introducing resources from the global faith and work movement to this part of the world beginning with these forward looking partners.

Business & Tech Resources To Bless The World

Before the pandemic, we sent several teams to offer entrepreneurship workshops.  They were well received by business owners as well as young people.  Male students, less interested to join the usual English camps, came with enthusiasm.  They were attracted by the household names of Silicon Valley companies that our volunteers worked for.

This summer, beginning with a student project, we will explore the mobilization of tech resources to serve in this country.

The products and services of many Silicon Valley companies have literally changed how people live in every corner of the globe.  Christians who work in these companies have the skills and knowledge to serve and share God’s love with the less privileged and unreached in emerging economies around the world as their calling cards will open many doors.  It is a stewardship and a blessing to do so.

Short Term Mission for Software Engineers this Summer 

use your IT training to reach college students

join a small team to serve in two cities

support the collaborative outreach of three local organizations 

5-day leave from work - between two weekends including Labor Day

depart Fri evening 8/23 - return Mon Labor Day afternoon 9/2



  • meet Muslim and Christian college students - facilitate friendship building between them

  • local organizations that recruit the students will follow up on them


  • teach a 3-day boot camp in website development with AI integration

  • curriculum designed by Silicon Valley and local IT professionals


  • 5 days in an urban center - 3 days in a small city

  • worship at an international church and a local community church on two Sundays

  • 1.5 days of sightseeing with visit to a national park with spectacular scenery


  • estimated $2,300 including round-trip Star Alliance air fare

  • invite friends to join you by giving to “GLS CA STM Fund”


Apply by July 10    Please contact for more info