Mimi Chan spoke at our 9/24/22 Work as Globalocal Mission Webinar “Building Bridges Across Faith At Work”. Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books, she is also the founder and chair of Christians At Amazon, which started with ten people praying together but has since grown to over a thousand members and twelve chapters.

Mimi surveyed her members and found that 75% of them feel comfortable being openly Christian at work, but only 55% have shared about their faith, and only 48% know of another believer at work. The disparity in numbers may be even higher among Christians in the company who are not part of her group.

Here are some real-world questions she addressed in the webinar about sharing the Christian faith at work: 

How did she start sharing about her faith at work? 

Early in her career, Mimi met a colleague who normalized sharing about the faith with her. So she was comfortable doing it from the start. People come to her now because they know she is a Christian. Opening up early about her faith made sharing easier and more natural. 

But she also brought up some quiet and less intimidating ways to share her Christian identity regardless of the career stage. For example, some colleagues found out about her Christian group through a badge attached to her work contact information. Another way is to be open and transparent about taking time off for holidays or events related to faith. Given these clues, some people take the initiative to approach her because they sense a psychologically safe space to talk. Eventually this openness may lead to sharing Christ with some of them.

How would she compare workplace ministry to full-time missions ministry?

For those who feel strongly about sharing Christ as their life purpose, the question of whether they could serve better doing workplace ministry or going into full-time ministry would inevitably come up. Mimi noted that the workplace is where Christians meet 90% of non-Christians. During the pandemic, 30% of those in full-time ministry are considering leaving for various reasons. Meanwhile, more people with pastoral or seminary training are getting involved in workplace ministry.

So, Mimi believes that God is sending more believers into the workplace because of better access to people who are not yet his followers. Countries around the world closed to the gospel are also welcoming of skilled foreign workers, who could naturally bring their Christian beliefs with them.

While tentmakers are reaching people overseas, God is bringing international students and workers to North America. Mimi’s sharing shows that the mission field begins at home. The Great Commission and the Great Commandment are given to all of his people. The question is: Do senders see their mission field at home as goers see theirs abroad?

How did she start a Christian group at work?

Mimi started simply by praying for her workplace, colleagues and specific people who might become the core group. When she got to know more people, they prayed together to multiply impact. Then, the core group created a badge and used available channels at work to tell others about the group. In her experience, a personal invitation remains the best way to reach people. God does the rest! 

Whether it is to share your faith, see the mission field where you are, or start a Christian group at your workplace or neighborhood, the key is to take the first step. Though you may feel alone as a believer or not know of other believers at work, you can pray for one likeminded person outside of work who would partner with you in prayer and watch what God will do. The Holy Spirit given by Christ is with you where he has placed you to reach people for him. 

Watch the webinar video for more suggestions on how to reach out to others with the love of Christ.